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SС 06: Anti-doormat

(for girls; guys are also welcome)

Main page / Specialty courses / SС 06: Anti-doormat


    Day 1


    Theoretical aspects:

    The scope of doormatness in everyday social life of every girl.
    Influence of doormatness on the richness of life, energy level, presence of interests and self-confidence.
    Destructive influence of the inferiority, cowardice and overcompromise on your life.
    Destructive influence of “stupid courage” on your life.
    The distinction of “avoidance of conflict” from cowardice and overcompromise.
    Undesirable effect of “playing safe” and excessive avoidance of conflicts where it is appropriate to go into open conflict. Ways to find the balance.

    Practical skills:

    Doormatness – examples of how to overcome it, how to avoid conflicts constructively:
    a) with service staff
    b) with your boss
    c) with random people
    d) with distant acquaintances
    Practicing self-assured gestures, phrases, habits.
    Practicing to refuse without showing doormatness.
    Practicing to avoid unwanted contacts without showing doormatness.
    Practicing of active constructive confrontation against those putting psychological pressure on your.
    Discussing situations in which a girl showed doormatness. A competition to find the optimal solution.
    Other game situations with the instructors.


    Day 2


    Theoretical aspects:

    Doormatness – examples of how to overcome it, how to avoid conflicts constructively, anti-doormatness actions (ADA):
    a) with close friends
    b) with your boyfriend
    c) with your husband
    d) with different relatives
    Doormatness in sex. ADA in sex.

    Practical skills:

    Training a conversation with a guy/girl using the principles of ADA.
    Practice of voicing your sexual desires.
    Practicing self-assured gestures, phrases, habits.


    Day 3


    Theoretical aspects:

    Catastrophic effect of self-importance on mental life. The consequences men have due to epidemic cancer of self-importance among them.
    Distancing from aggressive feminism. The error of turning into a “male” in the process of overcoming doormatness and inferiority complex.
    Necessity to increase the richness of life.
    Discussion of beliefs related to abortion, prostitution, promiscuity.
    Necessity to overcome the belief about “unfeminine” interests.
    Ways to distinguish doormatness from the necessary protective politeness.
    Ways to distinguish doormatness from bitchiness. The need to avoid bitchiness.
    Ways to boost self-confidence, cultivation of different sides of your personality.


    Practical skills:

    Comparing development level of guys and girls on random profiles in social networks based on preselected set of parameters.
    Discussion of activities considered unfeminine and recognition whether you have curiosity, interest to them. Discussion of beliefs associated with these activities.
    Training to distinguish doormatness from necessary politeness.
    Training to distinguish doormatness from bitchiness.
    Drawing up a list of your positive qualities.
    Making a list of the qualities of your relatives and friends.
    Practicing self-assured gestures, phrases, habits.