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SС 05: Search and Cultivation of Interests

Main page / Specialty courses / SС 05: Search and Cultivation of Interests


    Day 1


    Theoretical aspects:

    Mutual influence of energy/life richness and interests on each other.
    Definition of interest.
    The distinction between interest and both mechanical activity and the activity motivated by self-importance.
    The pros and cons of motivation by self-importance.
    Types of interests: their breakdown by main directions (MD).
    Necessity to create clear picture of your interests.
    An obstacle for emergence of interest: low energy level.
    Technology of interest cultivation: “fragment by fragment”

    Practical skills:

    Creating the list of existing interests.
    Checking by criteria – whether it’s interest or not.
    Checking whether the interest is motivated by self-importance.
    Free brainstorming to identify nuclei of interests.
    Gaining experience in making a collection of small fragments on interesting topics.


    Day 2


    Theoretical aspects:

    Small interests and their importance.
    The role of interest in creating an integral personality.
    Clinging of interests.
    “Contagion” of interests and using for this a community of people with interests.
    Importance of the “specialization” main direction.
    Obstacles to interests’ emergence: blind certainty (BC) about your “inability”.
    The theory of constructive laziness.
    Gentle discharge.

    Practical skills:

    Undermining the belief about “unworthiness” of small interests.
    Undermining the BC about your “inability”.
    Practicing to awake associated interests during the realization of an existing interest.
    Ranking your interests according to their intensity to identify a temporary candidate for specialization.
    A fantasizing game on the theme of “what my interests might be in the future?”


    Day 3


    Theoretical aspects:

    Negative dependence on the society of grey people.
    Obstacles to interests’ emergence: the BC about missed time for self-development.
    Necessity to maintain yourself in active learning position to be ready “to ride the wave of activity” in future, when the energy increases.
    Obstacles to interests’ emergence: inertia.
    Accumulation of energy as the destruction of this inertia.
    Storms in realization of interests and their results.
    Sticking to activities and degradation of interest to habitualness.

    Practical skills:

    “Overcoming the grey environment” game: getting pleasure from learning something interesting in a dull grey company.
    “Overcoming the grey environment” game under aggressive pressure.
    Basic practice of undermining the “missed time” BC through generating the certainty of your progress in MD technology.
    Training to ask yourself during some habitual activity: “Am I doing this because it is interesting and I feel anticipation right now, or because I’m moving along the rails?”
    Making an outline of interests’ development for the next 50 years.
    An attempt to awaken interests where you don’t expect them – in directions not included into your lists.