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SC 03: False Images and Extrusions. How to Understand People.

Main page / Specialty courses / SC 03: False Images and Extrusions. How to Understand People.


    Day 1


    Theoretical aspects:

    Dogmatic interpretations connected with false images and extrusions.
    Influence of false images and extrusions on the level of energy and richness of life. The role of sincerity and insincerity in the richness level.
    Origin mechanisms of false images and extrusions.
    Evidence of false images and extrusions.
    Variability of informed opinion about a person in contrast to false images and extrusions. Freedom given by this variability.
    Influence of close relations on the level of false images and extrusions.
    Analysis of erroneous opinion that false images of less intimate people play minor role.
    Methods to analyze false images. Questioning and further clarification of responses. Comparison of words with actions and creating situations to clarify uncertainties.
    Method of creating portraits with the help of approaching the person being evaluated.
    Ways to make judgments when it is impossible to communicate with a person.
    Specific examples of how false images and extrusions affect joyful desires and sincerity.

    Practical skills:

    Training to detect false images and extrusions using an example of a particular person. Method of sequential questioning. Method of false image identification based on signs.
    Training to say “I don’t know” if there is no reason to believe the person has a certain quality.
    Practice to analyze a false image using an example of a particular quality.
    Training to make a list of interpretations and subjective assessment of their probability.
    Search how a particular false image influences your perceptions (emotions, wishes, richness of life).
    Training to analyze false images in the absence of possibility to communicate.


    Day 2


    Theoretical aspects:

    False self-images and their effect on your life richness.
    Methods of analyzing false self-images.
    Main origin mechanisms of false self-images.
    Role of self-importance and inferiority complex in maintaining false self-images.
    Approaches to combat false self-images in case of self-importance and inferiority.
    Self-deception in identifying false images and the ways to reveal it.
    Role of false images in formation and maintenance of negative background.
    Typical errors in analyzing false images and means to prevent them.
    Methods of storming or gradual increase of clarity about yourself or another person.
    Using intuition and try-on of qualities on another person (or yourself) – pros and cons.

    Practical skills:

    Ways to reveal false self-images.
    Formation of specific opinion about yourself using the methods of false image analysis.
    Methods to detect self-deception in formation of self-image.
    Influence of false self-images on the quality of life – joyful wishes, life richness. Training to track and evaluate this influence.
    Training to detect typical errors in false-imaging. Exercises to eliminate these errors.
    Prism and inverted-prism practices.
    Storm of a particular false image by different methods.
    Training the method of gradually increasing clarity.


    Day 3


    Theoretical aspects:

    Influence of low-quality life on emergence of false images and extrusions.
    Influence of false images on safety and comfort.
    Advisability to engage another person when analyzing false images.
    Increased arising of negative emotions during analysis of false images. The causes and formation of attitude to this.
    Downturns in the desire to analyze false images.
    Misleading reliance on false images in generation of Enlightened Perceptions (EPs). Examining the belief that false images help to experience EPs.
    Main obstacles in analyzing false images.
    Typical false images “he understood something” and “he wants something”.
    Parasitic words in forming an opinion on yourself or another person.
    Black rhetoric while forming opinions and ways to overcome it.

    Practical skills:

    Individual search of obstacles to analyze false self-images.
    Applying the methods to overcome obstacles.
    Individual investigation of how false images influence your comfort and safety.
    Methods to combat negative emotions while analyzing and destroy false images.
    Training to analyze false images “he understood something” and “he wants something”. Identifying common mistakes.
    Drawing the plan against recessions.
    Practicing to fanatically defend obviously stupid false images.
    Training to try an opposite certainty in a person’s qualities.